Create an Add to Cart Abandonment Automation Flow

   Important: Cart recovery text messages can only be sent to individuals who have compliantly opted in to your store's SMS program before abandoning their cart. Learn more about growing your subscriber list here.

Automations run automatically in the background and are a great way to keep customers engaged. With Flow Builder, you can schedule individual messages, limit the frequency of how often a subscriber can enter your Abandoned Cart flow, and take advantage of Subscriber Event Splits. An Add to Cart abandonment flow allows you to:

  • Re-engage a potential sale by reaching out to the subscriber with a direct link to their cart.
  • Provide a little extra incentive with a higher discount or special offer to close that sale.
  • Target high intent site visitors that haven't began the checkout process, but have added products to their cart or bag.

Create an Add to Cart Abandonment Flow


  1. Select Messaging on the left-side navigation panel of your Postscript Dashboard.
  2. Select Automations then select Create Automation in the upper right corner.
  3. Select the Create Automation Flow option, then choose Create a new automation. Select Create flow in the bottom right of the module. 
  4. Name the automation. Choose a name that will allow you to easily identify and track your abandoned cart flow in the future.
  5. Set up your automation properties:
    • Define the automation trigger. A trigger is an action that will begin the automation flow. Use the trigger Product Added to Cart.
    • Add trigger filters. Trigger filters can help you fine-tune when an automation is triggered. For example, you can choose to only trigger an this automation if the subscriber added a product to their cart that's a part of your Fall Exclusive collection.
    • Add an Entry Filter. The subscriber frequency filter allows you to choose how often a subscriber can enter a given automation flow for a certain period of time. 
    • Add a Cancellation trigger. Select Order Created as your cancellation trigger. Once a subscriber creates an order, you want them removed from this flow. For context, if a subscriber comes back to their cart an hour after they abandon it to complete their order and your abandoned cart flow is scheduled to send 2 hours after abandonment, then this subscriber will not receive the message because they already created an order.
    • Save. Select Save in the bottom right corner of the properties editor. 
  6. Add actions to your flow. You can begin building your flow by dragging and dropping a Send Message action, Add to Flow, a Delay, an A/B Split, or a Subscriber Event Split.
  7. When adding a Send Message action to your automation flow, you may consider using some of our message enhancements located in the bottom right corner of the Message Editor to spruce things up.
    • Add emojis by clicking the square smiley face icon.
    • Add merge tags like checkout link, subscriber first name, your shop link, or your shop name by clicking the overlapping tags icon (Note: In order for a coupon to auto-apply at checkout, please include the checkout link and a coupon in your text message).
    • Add a Postscript-generated coupon by clicking the percentage icon.
    • Add a Shopify-generated coupon and discount link or a checkout link by clicking the hyperlink icon. Note: Links and tags are trigger-specific. Not all link or tag options will be visible for all trigger types.
  8. If you're ready to send your flow, select Schedule or Activate in the top-right corner of the page. You have two options when sending a flow:
    • Activate immediately: This option will immediately begin the flow allowing subscribers to enter the automation based on the selected properties.
    • Activate at a scheduled time and date: Choose when you'd like the flow to begin allowing subscribers to enter.
   Note: Adhering to carrier guidelines, cart recovery automations can only contain one message, and that message should send within 48 hours of the trigger event (product added to cart). Learn more here. 

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