Guide to Flow Builder Filter Operators

Tip: Consider using your computer's keyboard search command to find the operator you're looking for more efficiently.

This guide offers definitions for each filter operator used in Flow Builder's Subscriber Event Splits tool. Subscriber Event Splits allow you to easily visualize and build your flow, add automated responses to subscriber replies, and even automate follow-ups to previous campaigns based on subscriber action.

How Can You Use Flow Builder?

  • Send automatic, pre-scheduled weekly text messages to subscribers about your products, brand, or shop updates. See how here
  • Give your subscribers an automated one-to-one relationship with your brand using Response Branching. 
  • Create hyper-targeted flows based on subscriber information and responses to previous SMS interactions with your brand. See more here.

What are Filter Operators?

Filter Operators define how the filter criterion is related to the value. Let's take a look at the example below.

Subscriber Response Is Yes

The filter, Subscriber Response, and the value, Yes, are related to each by an exact match: is. In this example, is is the filter operator. Below, we outline all other available filter operators, their value types, use cases, and notes for consideration when using each filter operator.

Operator Value Type Definition Use Cases Notes
is String (i.e. words) This filter compares string values exactly.

Use when you want to match only a specific value.

Case insensitive.
is not String (i.e. words) This filter is the exact opposite of the "is" filter. It matches anything butthe provided string.

Use when you want to match everything but a specific value.

Case insensitive.
contains String (i.e. words) This filter compares whether a particular string is any part of another string. For example, "hello" contains "he". It can also match the entire string, not just a subset, "hello" also contains "hello"

Use when you want to match any string that contains at least part of another string.


Using a phrase means the exact phrase has to be contained within the string.

For example "happy birthday to you" contains "happy birthday" but "hope your birthday is happy" does not contain "happy birthday".

Case insensitive.

does not contain String (i.e. words) This filter is the exact opposite of the "contains" filter. It matches anything but strings that contain a particular string. Use when you want to match everything but strings that contain part of another string. Case insensitive.
is Number This filter compares number values exactly. Use when you want to match only a specific value.  
is not Number This filter is the exact opposite of the "is" filter. It matches anything but the provided number. Use when you want to match everything but a specific value.  
is less than Number This filter matches any numbers that is less than (but not equal to) the given number. Use when you want to match all numbers less than a particular number.  
is greater than Number This filter matches any numbers that is greater than (but not equal to) the given number. Use when you wnat to match all numbers greater than a particular number.  
is at most Number This filter matches any numbers that are less than OR equal to the given number. Use when you want to match all numbers less than or equal to a particular number.  
is at least Number This filter matches any numbers that are greater than OR equal to the given number. Use when you want to match all numbers greater than or equal to a particular number.  
is within Number This filter matches any numbers between a range of two numbers. It is inclusive, meaning numbers equal to the min and max value wouldmatch. Use when you want to match a range of numbers that have an upper and lower bound. Inclusive.
is not within Number This filter matches any numbers not between a range of two numbers. It is inclusive, meaning numbers equal to the min and max value would not match. Use when you want to match all numbers except for a particular range of numbers with a lower and upper bound. Inclusive.
is Boolean (i.e. true or false) This filter compares a true/false value exactly. Use when you want to match something that is either true or false.  
any are String List (i.e. list of words) This filter compares a list of values to a given string and matches if any of the strings in the list is equal to the given string. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if a particular string is in it. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Case insensitive.
any contain String List (i.e. list of words) This filter compares a list of values to a given string and matches if anyof the strings in the list contain a given string. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if a particular string is a part of one of those values. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Case insensitive.
all are String List (i.e. list of words) This filter compares a list of values to a given string and matches only if all values are equal to a particular string. Use when you want to make sure every value in a list is the same and matches a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Case insensitive.
all contain String List (i.e. list of words) This filter compares a list of values to a given string and matches if allvalues at least contain a particular string. Use when you want to make sure every value in a list contains of at least part of a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Case insensitive.
none are String List (i.e. list of words) This filter is the exact opposite of any are. It matches only if none of the values in a list are a particular value. Use when you don't want to match an entire list, if even just one of them is a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Case insensitive.
none contain String List (i.e. list of words) This filter is the exact opposite of any contain. It matches only if none of the values in a list contain a particular value. Use when you don't want to match an entire list, if even just one of them contains a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Case insensitive.
any are Number List This filter matches if any numbers in a list are a particular value. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if a particular number is in it. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
any are less than Number List This filter matches if any numbers in a list are less than (but not equal to) a particular value. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if just one is less than a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
any are greater than Number List This filter matches if any numbers in a list are greater than (but not equal to) a particular value. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if just one is greater than a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
any are at most Number List This filter matches if any numbers in a list are less than OR equal to a particular value. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if just one is less than or equal to a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
any are at least Number List This filter matches if any numbers in a list are greater than OR equal to a particular value. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if just one is greater than or equal to a particular value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
any are within Number List This filter matches if any numbers in a list of possibilities are between a range of two numbers, including the numbers themselves. Min and max values are inclusive. Use when you want to match an entire list of possibilities if just one is in a particular range of numbers. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are Number List This filter matches if all numbers in a list are equal to a particular value. Use when you want to match only if a list of possibilities contains one particular number value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are less than Number List This filter matches if all numbers in a list are less than (but not equal to) a particular number. Use when you want to match only if a list of possibilities are all less than a particular number value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are greater than Number List This filter matches if all numbers in a list are greater than (but not equal to) a particular number. Use when you want to match only if a list of possibilities are all greater than a particular number value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are at most Number List This filter matches if all numbers in a list are less than OR equal to a particular number. Use when you want to match only if a list of possibilities are all less than OR equal to a particular number value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are at least Number List This filter matches if all numbers in a list are greater than OR equal to a particular number. Use when you want to match only if a list of possibilities are all greater than OR equal to a particular number value. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are within Number List This filter matches if all numbers in a list are within a range between two numbers (including the numbers themselves). Use when you want to match only if an entire list of possiblities are within a range of numbers, including the numbers themselves. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Inclusive.
none are Number List The exact opposite of all are. This filter matches only if a list of numbers does not have a particular value. Use when you want to match only if a particular number value is not in a list of possibilities. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
none are less than Number List The exact opposite of all are less than. This filter matches if a list of numbers doesn't have any values below the given value. Use when you want to match only if a list of possiblities does not have any values below a particular number. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
none are greater than Number List The exact opposite of all are greater than. This filter matches if a list of numbers doesn't have any values above the given value. Use when you want to match only if a list of possiblities does not have any values above a particular number. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
none are within Number List The exact opposite of all are within. This filter matches if a list of numbers doesn't have any values within a given range, including the min and max numbers. Use when you want to match only if a list of possibilities does not have any values within a given range of numbers, including the two numbers. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart. Inclusive.
any are Boolean List (i.e. true or false) This filter matches if any values in a list are true/false. Use if you want to match an entire list, if even just one value is true/false. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
all are Boolean List (i.e. true or false) This filter matches if all values in a list are true/false. Use if you want to match an entire list, if all values are true/false. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.
none are Boolean List (i.e. true or false) This filter matches if none of the values in a list are true/false. Use if you want to match an entire list, only if none of the values are true/false. List comparisons are needed when considering multiple values at once. For example, list comparisons are used when matching against 1 or more line items in a cart.

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