Guide to AND and OR Connectors

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We've designed this guide to introduce you to AND and OR connectors, highlight their key differences, and how you can use them to build specific customer segments and automations.

We recommend that you review this guide before creating segments and automations using AND and OR connectors.


AND and OR connectors help you define a specific group of subscribers who will receive a campaign or be included in an automation.

Since AND and OR connectors allow you to create complex segmentation, you can create a more personalized experience that resonates with your subscribers. These interactions tend to see higher engagement and better click-through and conversion rates.

Below, we dive into both connectors. We'll discuss the differences between them, provide examples of how they can be used, and dive into how you can use them together.

AND Connectors

In Postscript, AND connectors are exclusive. As you join two or more automation or segment criteria with an AND connector, you are narrowing the field of subscribers who can fit into the automation series or segment.

For example, "We want to include subscribers who have ordered more than twice AND have spent more than $200."

In order to be included, both of these statements would need to be true of a subscriber.

In order to populate an AND connector, select the + Add Filter button when creating a segment. Let's look at an AND connector using an example segment:

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 4.40.57 PM.png 

In order to be included in the Engaged Non-Buyers segment, a subscriber would need to fit both of the below criteria points:

  • Clicked on a link in a campaign or automation message in the last 60 days, and
  • Have never placed an order with the shop.

If either of these statements were not true—they hadn't clicked within the last 60 days or had placed an order before—then the subscriber would not be included.

OR Connectors

In Postscript, OR connectors are inclusive. As you join two or more automation or segment criteria with an OR connector, you are expanding the field of subscribers who can fit into the automation series or segment.

For example, "We want to include subscribers who have ordered more than twice OR have spent more than $200."

In order to be included, either of these statements would need to be true of a subscriber. Maybe they have not spent $200, but they have ordered 3 times. In that case, they'd be included. Additionally, if both statements were true of a subscriber, they'd be included.

In order to populate an AND connector, select the + Add Rule button when creating a segment. Let's look at an OR connector using an example segment:

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 4.43.33 PM.png

Shops might have more than one way to define engagement, which is why an OR connector works great for this BFCM Engaged Segment. Using this segment, a subscriber would only need to fit one of the below criteria points to be included:

  • Made an order within the last 180 days, or
  • Ordered more than, or at least, twice, or
  • Spent over $200 with the shop.

Using Both AND and OR Connectors

You can use a combination of AND and OR connectors in a single segment or automation to create a more complex or advanced group of recipients.

When using both connectors, the rules do not change: for criteria points connected with AND, both must be true of the subscriber whereas with criteria points connected with OR, either one can be true of a subscriber.

For example, "We want to include customers who have either ordered more than 3 times OR spent more than $200 shop, AND have also placed an order within the last 90 days."

Let's look at the above example as a segment:

Screenshot 2023-10-16 at 4.44.58 PM.png 

With the above segment, the following subscribers would be included:

  • A subscriber who has placed 3 or more orders AND who has ordered within the last 90 days;
  • A subscriber who has spent over $200 in a shop AND has ordered within the last 90 days;
  • A subscriber who has placed 3 or more orders, spent over $200 in and shop, AND has ordered within the last 90 days. In this case, both OR statements can be true of a subscriber—it doesn't have to be one or the other.

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