Auto-applying coupons at checkout works differently depending on coupon type (e.g., Postscript-generated coupons vs. Shopify-generated coupons) and tool (e.g., popups, automations, or keywords). We discuss these nuances below.
Auto-Applying Postscript Coupons at Checkout
When using Postscript coupons in your automations or keyword replies be sure to include the coupon merge tag and your shop URL. When both the coupon merge tag and the shop or product link are present, the Postscript-generated discount code will automatically apply at checkout.
Keyword and Popup Replies
When using Postscript coupons in your popup replies, select the Auto-apply coupon at checkout checkbox below your welcome message.
Auto-Applying Shopify Coupons at Checkout
When using Shopify coupons in your campaigns or other messages, be sure to include the Discount Link merge tag. When this merge tag is included in your messages, the Shopify-generated discount code will automatically apply at checkout.